Proven Winner in Unbiased Trials
• Since MiniVerde® was entered in the unbiased National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) trials, it has dominated other all other Bermuda greens varieties. When placed side by side with other varieties with all maintenance practices being the same, MiniVerde® consistently produces the best putting surface. Keep in mind that many other Ultradwarf varieties use data from their own trials on their own grasses to publish and to market their product.
Minimal Maintenance
• MiniVerde® requires less maintenance to create a high quality surface. It produces less stolineferous thatch yet it has healthier rhizome development.
• It also has a much deeper and denser fibrous root zone than any of the shorter rooted Ultradwarfs. Both of these factors, including its deeper rooting and less thatch, inevitably produce a healthier green.
• Only minimum verticutting, topdressing, and aerification is needed to maintain a quality putting surface, thus causing less disruption in play.
• MiniVerde® is also easier to over seed than other varieties. That said, it can also be played on in the winter without over seeding.Grows Quickly
• MiniVerde® is easily sprigged and grows faster than other UltraDwarf varieties planted at the same rate. It can be planted conventionally or through a no-till process.
• It is recommended that greens be renovated according to USGA recommendations.
• Keep in mind that the no-till process can be done with any Bermuda variety and is not proprietary.Customer Service and Industry Experience
• MiniVerde® is available across the southern United States from licensed growers.
• We strictly monitor our MiniVerde® Ultradwarf for both quality and purity to ensure the highest quality grass for your golf course.
• We have deep industry knowledge and experience to help you with your golf course.
• We are there to ensure that you have great and successful greens for your golf course.